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Title:     Are You Looking for a Covering?
Author:     Crystal Wilson
Category:     21     27     17    
Price:     $ 7.99
Language:    0
Size:    0
Number of Pages:    51
ISBN Number:    978-0-578-04245-9
Publication Date:    December 2009
About this Book: 

Very often, women have so desperately wanted to be “covered” by a man that they were willing to settle for anyone that showed attention or were kind to them, simply grateful that someone wanted them. Author Crystal Wilson delves into this epidemic under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to show them that they are valuable simply because they are God’s daughters and He covers them and removes all shame and reproach. God desires no less than His best for His daughters and Crystal shows that He has already given His best to cover His daughters…He’s given Himself. God desires to let you know that you can be complete in Him and completely “covered by Him”, in Are You Looking for a Covering?

About the Author: 

Crystal Wilson is a Spirit Filled Servant of the Most High God. At her church Cathedral of Faith Outreach and beyond she works in the Gifts of Teaching and Evangelism and many others. She knows the struggle of being single while trying to stay holy, and the bondage of marriage while being unequally yoked. She while being lead by the aid of the Holy Spirit will help you get a better understanding of how the covering of will lead you and sustain you in all things.

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