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Title:     Things I've Learned In Rear View
Author:     Pamela S Franklin
Category:     17     2     21    
Price:     $ 11.95
Language:    0
Size:    0
Number of Pages:    101
Publication Date:    October 2009
About this Book: 

A collection of "life lessons" passed on to my children as they began leaving home. I wondered if I'd prepared them fully for life, had I told them enough, taught them enough. This collection of thing I've learned, sometimes the hard way, I wanted to pass on to them.

About the Author: 

Pamela Franklin is the proud mother of four, grandmother of three (to date!). She is a Human Resource and Marketing Executive and lives in rural northwest Ohio.

Order/Contact Info: 

Pam Franklin
324 Meuse Argonne St
Hicksville, OH 43526

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