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Title:     You Are Special
Author:     Keisha Y Bass
Category:     4     7         
Price:     $ 11.95
Language:    0
Size:    3
Number of Pages:    32
ISBN Number:    0-9768129-3-2
Publication Date:    June, 2008
About this Book: 

You are special is a book to let children know how special they are- whether, it's the color of their skin or the color of their eyes, they all are special. This book helps them to see that and to recognize that they to are special.

About the Author: 

Keisha Bass was born in Swainsboro, Ga and currently lives in Columbia, SC with her husband, Chris and two children, Lakia and Chris. Keisha enjoys helping kids realize their potential. She has developed the Life Skills Series to help educate our young people on character education.

Order/Contact Info: 

Keisha Y. Bass
P.O. Box 292181
Columbia, SC 29229

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