Book Details |
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Title: The Classic Railway Signal Tower - New Haven Railroad S.S.44 / Berk
Author: Stephen A. McEvoy
Category: 23
Price: $ 29.95
Language: 0
Size: 3
Number of Pages: 166
ISBN Number: 978-1-59872-858-3
Publication Date: September 2007
Email: samcevoy@aol.com
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About this Book: | |
The S.S.44 / Berk Signal Tower was built in 1896 and remained in continuous service until 1984, a period of 88 years. This signal tower controlled a strategic interlocking on the busy four-track signaled and electrified New Haven Line that is now part of the Northeast Corridor. This complex interlocking included the junction with the non-signaled Danbury-Pittsfield branch line and also included the four-track swing bridge over the Norwalk River.
This book is about the New Haven, Penn Central and successor railroads, and the role that S.S.44 / Berk and the other signal towers played in train operations, dispatching and control. The twenty (20) chapters in the book are about trains, history, technology, signaling, rail operations (including operating rules and procedures), people, and much more. The book is fully illustrated with approximately 76 color photos, 36 black and white photos, and 30 other graphics. Great train photos, including many by well-known New Haven Railroad photographer T. J. Donahue.
By clicking on the book cover, and then being patient, you will be able to view the beginning of the book including the Foreword and Table of Contents.
About the Author: | |
Steve McEvoy hired on the New Haven Railroad as a Tower Operator in June 1965. During his five years with the New Haven and successor Penn Central, he worked most of the signal towers on the Hell Gate Line and on the New Haven Line, including S.S.44 / Berk.
After receiving his undergraduate degree from New York University (NYU) in 1970, Steve left the Penn Central and worked seven years for the Long Island Rail Road as a Transportation Engineer. Since 1977, Steve has worked for engineering firms that specialize in railroads and transit systems. He is currently a Vice President at SYSTRA Consulting, Inc., which provides professional services to railroads and transit systems throughout the United States.
Steve has a B.E. Degree in Electrical Engineering from NYU, and an M.S. Degree in Transportation Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of New York. He is a member of several professional societies including the American Association of Railroad Superintendents.
Book Review: | |
The book's Foreword was written by William L. Withuhn, Curator - History of Transportation, Smithsonian Institution. Bill speaks very highly about the book in all respects. The book was reviewed in the January 2009 issue of Trains Magazine, and it was given the highest possible recommendation.
The book appeals to a broad audience, including railroad and transit employees, consultants, railfans, history and technology buffs, etc. Virtually all of the signal-system and operational principles still apply today.
Order/Contact Info: | |
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Classic Signal Tower Book 1155 Cardinal Drive West Chester, PA 19382
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If necessary, Steve's cell number is 484-883-3357.
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